With npm
npm i @viivue/easy-popup
..then import
// style
import "@viivue/easy-popup/dist/easy-popup.min.css"
// script
import "@viivue/easy-popup";
View package at @viivue/easy-popup
With CDN
<!-- Easy Popup -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
Default init
With attribute
Value of the attribute will be treated as the popup's ID.
<div data-easy-popup="popup-1">
<!-- Popup content -->
<h2>Popup #1</h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet hendrerit nec neque ultricies.</p>
...then you can use the popup's ID as the URL to View popup.
<a href="#popup-1">Open Popup #1</a>
Initialize your popup with more options without touching the JavaScript file. View popup.
<div data-easy-popup='{"id": "my_popup"}'>
<!-- Popup content -->
Make sure the script always execute after the HTML has been loaded. Or run
anytime the HTML is ready.
Custom init
Init anytime with JavaScript. View popup.
<div class="your-class">
<!-- Popup content -->
EasyPopup.init('.your-class', {
id: 'popup-js',
// more options here
Toggle popup with [data-ep-toggle="id"]
An alternative way to toggle a popup:
<button data-ep-toggle="popup-3">Open popup</button>
A popup with adding multiple class with option outerClass
. Click : and inspect to see in .easy-popup
<button data-ep-toggle='popup-4'>Open popup</button>
Layout could be customized with these provided options.
Description | Option | Buttons |
Use custom layout on mobile | hasMobileLayout: true | View popup |
Display popup on the sides | theme: "left-side" or theme: "right-side" | Left side, Right side |
Change the close button text | closeButtonInnerText: "CLOSE" | View popup |
- Show popup after page loaded:
autoShow: true
- Show popup 3000ms after page loaded:
autoShow: 3000
Requires PiaJs v0.0.4 or later.
Show popup once and not showing again after a period of time.
- Popup re-appears after 7 days:
{autoShow:true, cookie: 7}
- Popup re-appears after 30 days:
{autoShow:true, cookie: "30 days"}
- Popup re-appears after 8 hours:
{autoShow:true, cookie: "8 hours"}
Show popup for a number of times and reset after a period of time.
- Shows 3 times, then re-appears after 7 days:
{autoShow:true, cookie: 7, showingTimes: 3}
Remove/clear cookie
To stop using cookie to control a popup, simply change the init options:
: prevent the popup reappears, however, the cookie still exists in the client devices.{cookie:undefined}
: clear cookie if any.
Or use method:
const popup = EasyPopup.get('my-popup');
popup.cookie.remove(); // remove the cookie data completely
Update/reset cookie
Once the popup with cookie has been init, the only way to update the cookie is to set a new name for the cookie.
Useful when you want to reset the cookie expiration, or set new expiration.
{cookie:"new_expiration_value", cookieName:"new_name"}
Test cookie
You can use Pia.test()
to see cookie info.
const popup = EasyPopup.get('my-popup');
Cookie demo
View demo code
<div data-easy-popup='{"id": "popup-cookie", "autoShow": "true", "cookie": "1 day", "showingTimes": "5"}'>
<!-- Popup content -->
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
id | string | Auto-generated ID | Set an ID for this popup |
theme | string | default | Other layouts: right-side |
hasMobileLayout | boolean | false | Enable mobile layout (theme options will not work when mobile layout is active) |
mobileBreakpoint | number | 768 | Activate mobile layout when the screen size is <=768px |
closeButtonInnerText | string | svg/icon | Custom innerText of the close button |
triggerSelector | CSS selector | "" | Click on this trigger will also toggle the popup |
outerClass | string | "" | Extra classes to popup outer .easy-popup , use white space for multiple classes, e.g. "class1 class2" |
activeHtmlClass | string | "" | Extra class to <html> when a popup opens |
keyboard | boolean | true | Close popup by pressing ESC key |
clickOutsideToClose | boolean | true | Click on empty outside an opening open will close the popup |
preventScroll | boolean | true | Prevent page scroll when popup is open |
scrollbarWidth | number | undefined | You mostly don't need this unless the page scroller is not the body tag. Set the scrollbar width manually to avoid page jumping when open a popup, only works for preventScroll:true . |
autoShow | boolean or number (ms) | false | true to show the popup right after page loaded, set number for delay, e.g. 1000 for 1000ms after init |
cookie | string or number | undefined | Requires autoShow:true . Set expiration for a popup. Use PiaJs expires . |
showingTimes | number | 1 | Requires cookie . Show n times before expiration day, only works with cookie |
cookieName | string | "" | Requires cookie . Name of the cookie, change name will also lose access to the previous cookie => treat as a new cookie |
Deprecated options
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
title | string | "" | Title for mobile layout |
closeButtonHTML | string | "" | Inner text for close button |
Name | Description |
open | On popup open |
close | On popup close |
// init
EasyPopup.init('.popup', {
id: 'my-popup',
// assign listener when init
onOpen: data => {
console.log('Popup open', data);
// get instance
const popup = EasyPopup.get('my-popup');
// listen to an event after init
popup.on('close', data => {
console.log('Popup close', data);
Open console log to see data changes on event fires. View popup.
Global methods
Name | Description |
EasyPopup.init(selector, options) | Init a popup |
EasyPopup.get(popupId) | Get a popup instance |
EasyPopup.setDev(isDev) | Enable/disable dev mode to see console logs. |
Instance methods
Name | Description |
---|---| | Open the popup |
instance.close() | Close the popup |
instance.toggle() | Toggle the popup |
instance.on(eventName, callback) | Assign events with callback |
// get instance
const popup = EasyPopup.get('my-popup');
// open popup;
1. The page got jumping when the popup is shown. How to fix it?
You need to understand how preventScroll
works in Easy Popup. When you enable the preventScroll
- Easy Popup adds an
class to the<body>
.- This sets
overflow: hidden
to prevent page scrolling.
- This sets
- Hiding the scrollbar can cause the page to shift right.
- To prevent shifting, Easy Popup adds
to the<body>
.- The padding is equal to the scrollbar width.
- The scrollbar width is auto-calculated by JavaScript.
- Note: This may not be 100% accurate across all browsers/devices.
Easy Popup has a built-in function to calculate the scrollbar width automatically depending on the browser/device. However, this may not work as expected in some cases.
For optimal results:
- Set the scrollbar width via CSS.
- Use the same value for the
option in Easy Popup.
/* custom scrollbar */
/* Works on Chrome, Edge, and Safari */
body::-webkit-scrollbar {
body::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
body::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
Easy Popup options
"preventScroll": true,
"scrollbarWidth": 8
Note: On touch screen, the scrollbar width is set to 0
Clone this repo, then:
# install
npm i
# run dev server
npm run dev
# build
npm run prod
# test package before publish
npm pack
# publish package (search & replace old version number)
npm publish
Feel free to submit new issue or create a pull request.
: for publishing (handled by Netlify at
: for development deploy (handled by GitHub Pages at
: for deploying staging branch
MIT (c) 2023 ViiVue.